
Jumat, 15 April 2016

And yet another KIVA loan from The Toxicologist Today supporting Education

Update on Mahamadi

Mr. MAHAMADI is a second-cycle Master’s student at ESTPO. He is single and has no children. He has been at ESTPO for five years. Mr. MAHAMADI Philippe wants to finance his higher education at ESTPO. He hopes to get married and have a family.
Previous Loan Details
Mahamadi is a single man with no children. He has been a student in the Master I professional class at the Ecole Superieure de Travaux Publics de Ouagadougou (ESTPO; Ouagadougou Superior School of Public Works) for the past four years. The ESTPO is the top higher education institution for civil… More from Mahamadis previous loan »

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