If you havent read the previous post please do so by accessing here.
- A Swedish group reported that an Indian Plant that makes pharmaceuticals discharges an average of 44 Kg of Ciprofloxacin per day to the wastewater. This is a massive environmental problem as bacteria are not static, they travel, carry antibiotic resistances that end up just like the 0104:H4 Escherichia coli hybrid pathogen outbreak.
- The cited outbreak was suggested to have started in Egypt and travelled to
germany where tourists disseminated it to other countries. In the end, E. coli 0104:H4 got resistant to 10 different antibiotics!In addition, a second speaker offered his valuable contribute but I just couldnt get hold of his name. His remarks below:
Image kindly taken from Dr. Ihab Sulimans slideshare presentation on "The outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli 0104:H4", [http://www.slideshare.net/isuliman/outbreak-of-shiga-toxin-producing-e-coli-8214876], last visited on the 8th of July 2015, last updated opn the 5th of June 2011.
- To avoid AMR in the environment we need to act as a community. no single discipline can crack AMR.
- The planet scientists support each other and the microbiologists attack each other, therefore plant scientists get a lot more funding for their research and the microbiologists dont.
- We microbiologists need to draw in the contribution of multiple disciplines.
The coming participation to be posted will be from Rachel Gomes from the University of Nottingham, keep checking!
Image kindly taken from Dr. Ihab Sulimans slideshare presentation on "The outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli 0104:H4", [http://www.slideshare.net/isuliman/outbreak-of-shiga-toxin-producing-e-coli-8214876], last visited on the 8th of July 2015, last updated opn the 5th of June 2011.
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