
Rabu, 20 April 2016

Our Temporary Replacements are Here!

Mark and Tianna Owens from the Boise Vineyard arrived a week ago to help Julie and I out as we head back to Vancouver, Washington to welcome a new grand child into the world. The Owens are from Boise, Idaho and are part of the Boise Vineyard church. We came to know them through Boise Vineyards I-61 program which has a missions center in Managua, Nicaragua. Nica Impact is a partner NGO with I-61 as we are one of their training stops for the teams that come for training. (See for more information on that

Mark and Tianna were looking for a short term mission opportunity that was a stretch for them yet didnt require that they sell all their worldly possessions to go serve in a foreign country for eternity. We are glad to have them as their presence will help provide some stability to Nica Impact while we are away. Their main responsibility is to manage the money flow and to help us set up a weekly Skype conference call with our Nica staff. Once that is done each week, they will have to implement beach ministry protocol at our Tupilapa beach house. This is an important component of a newcomers training, to enjoy time watching the ocean, reading books, and spending time in prayer and meditation while enjoying Gods creation. A daily walk on the beach completes the therapy.

Please pray for the Owens time in Nicaragua and for Julie and I as we travel back to our hometown.

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