
Jumat, 29 April 2016

Post Blogging Microbes

I had great fun, the audience had great fun and the speakers present had great fun, thats common ground, I believe. I was particularly happy with how engaging and fluid the talks were, and also by the good vibe created with the audience. We could easily see they were eager to learn new tricks to start communicating their research, they were very interested in what the speakers had to share in regards to their experience and their knowledge. Moreover, hearing first hand from someone with experience is a great way of triggering that ignition-spark and go do it yourself.

I must assume that personally this event gave me directions on correcting mistakes, reinventing my writing at points and use some useful tools I had no idea they were out there for us.

You will all be able to listen and watch to the whole thing when the video is uploaded to the different online platforms. I will grant free access to the URL, dont worry! As the editing is still in process, bear with us and crave the microbes.

All in all, I really need to thank the School of Life Sciences for letting me run this event in a 1st class lecture room, plus every single person attending the event, as well as the speakers for their incredible talent, but most of all the Society for General Microbiology for believing in my capacity to deliver something new, something fresh, something different.

Thank you so very much.

Ivan Lafayette

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