To clip or not to clip, that is the question around here these days. At least that is what is on my mind every time I look at our beautiful chickens confined to the 5 x 10 chicken tractor. Sure they get plenty of food and their needs are met but I miss seeing them
freely roaming the landscape. We have a section of property that is fenced off for the goats which is perfect for the chickens to free range. The problem is that they fly over the 8 foot fence, beaks smiling (if thats possible). My latest proposition is to clip their wings. They can free range and be happy. No scratching in my garden...everyone is happy. Unfortunately I am out numbered 3 to 1. Dad and kids are adamant that clipping is cruel. Well, they cant fly in the chicken tractor I say. So I will be working on them to change their minds...What do you all think?
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